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Let’s cut your
to-do list

Let’s cut your
to-do list

Life Concierge Services

Here at Amanda Horne Life Concierge Services, there isn’t anything we can’t research, plan, coordinate or organize for your home and personal life.

Some of our specialties are listed below but being the on-call Doing Buddy for many of our clients is what we love to do. We work with you to help get the monkey off your back or eat that frog! We work with you in your home and knock off that paperwork and diary planning that needs to be done but feels like an immense energy-sucking task when having to do it alone.


As a concierge company,

we take pride in knowing that we change people’s lives one task at a time. Freeing them from tasks as simple as dropping off the dry cleaning and organising the home office to specialised tasks like managing finances.

There isn’t anything our virtual concierge services can’t research, plan, coordinate or organise for your home and personal life.

At Amanda Horne Life Concierge, we’re the experts in helping you get things done. Things like;

  1. Errands – These are tasks that you usually don’t like doing, or no matter how simple we still can’t manage to tick them off the list like, filing papers, negotiating with supplies or returning unwanted items.
  2. Home Concierge Service – These are mostly house repairs, gardening, landscaping, plumbing, or electrical works.
  3. Life Concierge Service – or sometimes called personal concierge service, it’s about getting assistance looking for the babysitters or helping you book restaurants, salons, and even flights.
  4. Event Management – our concierge service can also help you plan events right down to the last details.
  5. Administrative and Organisational services – Imagine no longer having to call customer service regarding your billing dispute, insurance inquiry, or going to the bank. A virtual concierge can even help you register your car or renew your license.

Through our South Australian concierge and virtual assistant services, we provide innovative solutions with no fuss.

Our unique Magic Box system is as simple as 4 easy steps.

1. Your needs discussed

2. Fill your box with tasks

3. Your stress and worry taken away


4. Tasks completed. Time for you to enjoy your life!

We will come and meet you at your home, office or café to discuss your needs and find out if and/or how we can help.

Email us now at info@amandahornelifeconcierge.com.au

Which service is right for you?

Time Saver

This package is for those that need occasional help. You manage to get the majority of your personal and home tasks done but there always seem to be things in the car, by your front door or in a pile on your kitchen bench that never seems to get completed.

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Price List

Inclusions in package:

  • 25 tasks from the Magic Box Task List
  • 3 pick-ups or drop-offs
  • Up to 15 minutes for pick-up / drop-offs of Magic Box changeover
  • Tasks completed within 1 week
  • Buy any block of prepaid hours for ONLY $53.00 an hour to use for those urgent tasks and/or to have us work with you in your home.

(to be used within 12 months of date of purchase)

$750 for 25 tasks

You can download a full price in PDF form HERE:

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Peace of Mind

This package is for those that just want to make sure that all those regular, routine tasks are automatically taken care of while they manage the non-routine and the specialised tasks
for their personal and home life.

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Price List

Inclusions in package:

  • 50 tasks from the Magic Box Task List
  • 6 pick-ups or drop offs
  • Up to 15 minutes for pick-up / drop-offs of Magic Box changeover
  • Tasks completed within 1 week
  • Buy any block of prepaid hours for ONLY $53.00 an hour to use for those urgent tasks and/or to have us work with you in your home.

(to be used within 12 months of date of purchase)

$1200 for 50 tasks

You can download a full price in PDF form HERE:

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Total Freedom

This package is for those that want Total Freedom from the routine, mundane and repetitive. It can also be used for those once-off or specialised tasks as well. With this package, you will have the freedom to concentrate on those priorities that matter to you.

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Price List

Inclusions in package:

  • 100 tasks from the Magic Box Task List
  • 12 pick-ups or drop offs
  • Up to 15 minutes for pick-up / drop offs of Magic Box changeover
  • Tasks completed within 1 week
  • Buy any block of prepaid hours for ONLY $53.00 an hour to use for those
    urgent tasks and/or to have us work with you in your home.

(to be used within 12 months of date of purchase)

$2100 for 100 tasks

You can download a full price in PDF form HERE:

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Prepaid Packages

Need some flexibility? Grab a package of prepaid hours to use whenever you need.

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Price List

Inclusions in package:

  • 30 minutes will charged for each pick-up/delivery made where less than 2 hours are required at location. This is to somewhat compensate for travel and hand-over.
  • Time for tasks will be charged in 15 minute increments
  • Appointments available before & after work and on Saturdays.
  • Clients can allocate tasks by email, sms, phone or during a normal Magic Box changeover.
  • Tasks completed within 1 week or as per client’s request.
  • Prepaid hours bought are valid for 12 months

There are three levels of packages available:

$325 for 5 hours
$595 for 10 hours
$1140 for 20 hours


You can download a full price in PDF form HERE:

Download PDF

Amanda Horne consistently provides me with a time-effective, professional and productive service that offers me a stress-free solution to getting my tasks done. I couldn’t recommend them highly enough.

Sonia Biszczak

Open Door Real Estate, Morphett Vale

Not sure which service is for you?